Note that the point of lifting the slurry pump manufacturer

Note that the point of lifting the slurry pump manufacturer

Precautions slurry pump manufacturer on the lifting of the relevant content. After reading this article I hope you can have a general understanding.

1 , Lifting without base or stand alone with only horizontal pumps , lifting the focus should be on the side near the head of the square hole brackets , wire rope should thus vertically upward through the connection with the lifting hook . In order to maintain a balance slurry pump manufacturer should be set between the auxiliary hoisting rope on the pump housing screws and lifting hooks rings . Bracket cover and screw rings on the front and rear casing cover is removable tray or around the pump casing and the settings can not be used alone to lift the whole pump , in order to avoid accidents. Do pay attention .

2, From the common base of the motor and harness horizontal pumps , slurry pump manufacturer lifting the square hole in the center of gravity close to the coupling of the bracket , whereby the vertical rope and lifting hook up connection through , in order to maintain balance, the pump must screw shell rings above the auxiliary hoisting rope between the motor and lifting hook screw rings .

3 , Such as horizontal pumps with coupling intermediate transmission unit should be used split lifting. 4 , pump parts in contact with the wire rope should be padded soft protective material to prevent damage to the pump or cause rope cut appearance .

Post time: Jul-13-2021